Posts ByBlueyes Below
Preserving The Past: Diving The Westmoreland Shipwreck

Preserving The Past: Diving The Westmoreland Shipwreck

With at least 6,000 shipwrecks in the Great Lakes, divers have a lot of choices in the location and types of ships we explore. Each ship is unique, with its own story and place in history. But there are some that stand out and catch our attention more than others....

Diving Lake Michigan Shipwrecks

Diving Lake Michigan Shipwrecks

I spend a lot of time diving the Great Lakes, and Lake Michigan in particular. I know a lot of people who follow Blueyes Below are not divers themselves. Being able to share what I do with others who haven’t done it is one of the things I really enjoy. I’m often...

Diving Deep to the W.C. Kimball Shipwreck

Diving Deep to the W.C. Kimball Shipwreck

By May of 1891 in Manistee, Michigan, the sigh of relief from the end of winter had given way to an uncertain spring. It had been drier than normal which resulted in a number of forest fires. The air was filled with smoke, and the Lumber Barons of Northern Michigan...

500 Feet Down on the Pere Marquette 18 Shipwreck

500 Feet Down on the Pere Marquette 18 Shipwreck

The Pere Marquette 18 shipwreck lies deep under the waters of Lake Michigan. At that depth, even the clear water of the lake blocks out the light. Even with coordinates, at 500 deep it can be a challenge to get an ROV down there and on target. This is a ship I have...